About Brad Blazar
Brad Blazar is recognized globally as an expert when it comes to raising capital. At the young age of 23, he started and was the founder of a very successful company in the oil and gas industry. This was brought to an abrupt stop in the late 80's due to The Tax Reform Act and collapsing oil prices, but it was not about to slow him down.
Brad went on to find his true passion in life, raising money and helping people. He has raised billions of dollars in the last years for investment sponsors and those in real estate in addition to closing the largest sales for multiple companies. Now Brad consults to companies needing access to capital around the world.
Brad's premier coaching program Capital School has reached a global audience around the world.
Do something today that your future self will thank you for

Brad Blazar has studied the habits of success. On the Wings of Eagles - Learn to Soar in Life, shares stories from Brad's encounters and meetings with some of the world's most influential thought leaders in sports, business and politics. This book was rated as a #1 top ranked read for young entrepreneurs. This is a book on success, leadership, teamwork and changing one's beliefs to have greater success in life.

Brad explains how entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and CEOs can more effectively motivate the people in their organization. Brad explains the concept of R-D-R which stands for Recruit, Develop, Retain. In today's business world many companies do a poor job of developing and motivating their people. As a result, retention is high and employees lack motivation. Learn how to effectively motivate your team and how employees value things like recognition, praise and leadership more than money.
Brad has a relentless drive for success. When everyone else slows down their production, Brad can be seen going strong. He leads by his work ethic and motivates those around him through his actions. Where others talk the talk, Brad walks the walk and is highly respected for it.
In working with Brad, I developed a better understanding of what was holding me back. My fears and self doubt were sabotaging my efforts. I learned how to change those beliefs and now have taken action on my goals of starting my own business.
I hired Brad after hearing him speak at an event I attended. His Build a Beast Goal planning guide has brought clarity to my goals and has me focused on backing my goals with action. As Brad says, "goals without action are nothing but dreams
Brad was one of the best speakers we've had. His passion, clear message and knowledge of how to develop an explanation of service that is compelling and uses the law of attraction to attract business was insightful.
Great presentation on leadership! Our group of young managers really enjoyed hearing him talk about his background and his fundamentals of how to get the best out of your workforce.

Capital School
Today, Capital School is one of the fastest growing communities of entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs and others learning how to attract, raise, and close HNW investor capital. It doesn't matter whether you're new to raising money or have been doing it for awhile - Capital School can help you get to the next level.
What's included in Capital School:
How to attract investor capital
Four Step Blueprint to raising capital
Securities Laws | regulations
Crowdfunding 101
Accessing HNW lists
Getting into family offices and B/Ds
Platforms for capital
Links to family office networks
Putting your "pitch deck and offering materials together"
and more

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